Tennis and Golf Day 3rd May 2017
As ever, Lucy Davies organised a great day, even though there were last minute drop outs which meant, sadly, she didn't play herself.
There were some new faces and some old friends who hadn't played for many years. As both Hardwick and Huntercombe are dog friendly, many of the players brought their dogs along, much to Boodle's disgust as he sat quietly growling behind Lucy's seat whilst she was marking.
Each pair played everyone on rolling handicaps, which meant that the games were close and no one came away without winning some games despite the handicaps being at variance. The standard of tennis was much higher than usual, especially when people got their eyes in. The service end was the key, as ever, as several players perfected serves which either "nicked" or spun unpredictably.
The clear winners were Caroline Dixon and Anne Balcerkiewicz who won all their games and played extremely well throughout.
Poor Lucy sat patiently marking all morning for which we were all very grateful.
We arrived at Huntercombe with the skies looking particularly grey and miserable. It was heaving with the Wednesday mens' roll up followed by another mens' competition so we were a bit late in starting. Playing in threes, Lucy again opted to drive Sheilagh Owens with her recovering knee rather than compete herself. However golf and the cold didn't suit Sheilagh who retired to the warmth of the clubhouse (and the brandy?!) and Lucy managed to play a few holes. It was cold, but dry and the course was, as ever, in wonderful condition with the bluebells the star of the show.
We had a new winner - Jenny Jones (Oxford and Huntercombe) with 32 points, swiftly followed by Jill Newby and Sara Reston with 31, Jill winning the second place on the back nine.
Our thanks go to Lucy for arranging this very special day.
Report and photos Sara Reston