Child Protection
LRTA U30 Match Fee Scheme
Managing a Match for the LRTA
Rules for LRTA Tournaments
Rules for Handicap Tournaments
Rules for High/Low Doubles
World Championship Rules
T&RA Handicap Calculators
Rolls of Honour
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Rolls of Honour
Tournament Winners
Click on the name of the tournament to open the details:
Ladies World Championships Rolls of Honour
British Open Championships Rolls of Honour
LRTA International Roll of Honour
British Ladies Masters Rolls of Honour
Billy Ross Skinner Roll of Honour
British Ladies Handicaps Rolls of Honour
High/Low Handicap Doubles Roll of Honour
LRTA Mixed Handicap Doubles Roll of Honour
Mothers & Daughters Roll of Honour
Under 25 years and Juniors Rolls of Honour