LRTA Constitution
1. Title
The title of the Association shall be the “Ladies Real Tennis Association”, (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
2. Objectives
(a) To encourage and promote the game of real tennis;
(b) To represent the interests of its membership;
(c) To provide a forum for the discussion, development and promotion of real tennis and real tennis coaching;
(d) To organise and manage ladies’ tournaments and to assist in those events in which lady members participate;
(e) To express the views of the Association on all matters relating to real tennis;
(f) To maintain affiliation to the Tennis and Rackets Association; and
(g) To do such further things as may from time to time be necessary, incidental or conducive towards the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.
3. Membership
(a) There shall be four classes of membership:-
(i) Honorary Life Membership may be conferred at the discretion of the Executive Committee,
(ii) Full Membership, which shall be open to all lady players,
(iii) Junior Membership, which shall be open to all lady players under the age of 21 as at the date of joining or renewing such class of membership, and
(iv) Social Membership, which shall be open to gentlemen and to non-playing ladies.
(b) All members may attend General Meetings of the Association, but only full members will be entitled to vote.
(c) Only full members of the association are eligible to become Officers or members of the Executive Committee.
(d) If, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the conduct of any member is prejudicial to the best interests of the Association and/or the game of Real Tennis, such Committee, having first given the member an opportunity to furnish an explanation, shall have the power to terminate his/her membership.
4. Subscriptions
(a) The monetary amount of the annual subscription for each class of membership shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee, and ratified by the Association in General Meeting.
(b) Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of January in each year.
(c) The Executive Committee may, at its sole discretion, terminate the membership of any member who fails to pay his/her subscription within 3 calendar months of the due date. Any such member who wishes to have his/her membership reinstated, may apply to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final.
5. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer.
6. Executive Committee
(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Association, together with 6 Committee Members.
(b) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may arise, or to co-opt any additional members at its discretion, and any such co-opted member shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Executive Committee.
7. Nominations and Elections
(a) Any two full members of the Association may nominate another such full member to serve as an Officer or as a member of the Executive Committee.
(b) Election for such Officers and Committee Members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Officers thus elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years, with one Officer coming up for re-election each year by rotation. The Committee Members thus elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years, with 2 members coming up for re-election each year by rotation. The Members of the Executive Committee shall, subject to termination of their office or resignation, be eligible for re-election without further nomination.
8. Meetings
(a) At General and Executive Meetings of the Association the Chairman shall take the chair, or in her absence, a member of the Executive Committee.
(b) (i) Except where stated otherwise, all proposals shall be decided by a simple majority,
(ii) Any proposals arising from the floor at General Meetings may, at the Chairman’s discretion, be referred to the Executive Committee for their consideration, and
(iii) The Chairman of any meeting shall have the casting vote.
(c) At all General Meetings of the Association 12 members shall form a quorum and at Meetings of the Executive Committee 4 Officers and/or members shall form a quorum.
9. General Meetings
(a) General Meetings will be held from time to time during the British tournament season.
(b) The financial year shall end on the 31st day of January in each year and the Annual General Meeting shall be held on or before the 31st day of the following May, when the Audited Accounts and the Executive Committee’s Annual Report will be presented.
(c) The Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
10. Requisition of Extraordinary General Meeting
(a) The Executive Committee or any 5 members of the Association may at any time lodge a requisition requiring the Secretary to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
(b) The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within 28 days of a requisition fully and clearly describing the objects of the meeting.
11. Property
The property of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee on behalf of the Association, and the property and the funds of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee.
12. The Constitution
(a) The Constitution shall not be altered or repealed except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, and any alteration or repeal shall not be effected unless passed by a majority of two thirds of those full members present at the meeting and entitled to vote.
(b) Any decision or action of the Executive Committee in respect of any matter or thing on which this Constitution is silent shall be final and binding on the membership.
The title of the Association shall be the “Ladies Real Tennis Association”, (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
2. Objectives
(a) To encourage and promote the game of real tennis;
(b) To represent the interests of its membership;
(c) To provide a forum for the discussion, development and promotion of real tennis and real tennis coaching;
(d) To organise and manage ladies’ tournaments and to assist in those events in which lady members participate;
(e) To express the views of the Association on all matters relating to real tennis;
(f) To maintain affiliation to the Tennis and Rackets Association; and
(g) To do such further things as may from time to time be necessary, incidental or conducive towards the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.
3. Membership
(a) There shall be four classes of membership:-
(i) Honorary Life Membership may be conferred at the discretion of the Executive Committee,
(ii) Full Membership, which shall be open to all lady players,
(iii) Junior Membership, which shall be open to all lady players under the age of 21 as at the date of joining or renewing such class of membership, and
(iv) Social Membership, which shall be open to gentlemen and to non-playing ladies.
(b) All members may attend General Meetings of the Association, but only full members will be entitled to vote.
(c) Only full members of the association are eligible to become Officers or members of the Executive Committee.
(d) If, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the conduct of any member is prejudicial to the best interests of the Association and/or the game of Real Tennis, such Committee, having first given the member an opportunity to furnish an explanation, shall have the power to terminate his/her membership.
4. Subscriptions
(a) The monetary amount of the annual subscription for each class of membership shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee, and ratified by the Association in General Meeting.
(b) Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of January in each year.
(c) The Executive Committee may, at its sole discretion, terminate the membership of any member who fails to pay his/her subscription within 3 calendar months of the due date. Any such member who wishes to have his/her membership reinstated, may apply to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final.
5. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer.
6. Executive Committee
(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Association, together with 6 Committee Members.
(b) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may arise, or to co-opt any additional members at its discretion, and any such co-opted member shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Executive Committee.
7. Nominations and Elections
(a) Any two full members of the Association may nominate another such full member to serve as an Officer or as a member of the Executive Committee.
(b) Election for such Officers and Committee Members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Officers thus elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years, with one Officer coming up for re-election each year by rotation. The Committee Members thus elected shall hold office for a period of 3 years, with 2 members coming up for re-election each year by rotation. The Members of the Executive Committee shall, subject to termination of their office or resignation, be eligible for re-election without further nomination.
8. Meetings
(a) At General and Executive Meetings of the Association the Chairman shall take the chair, or in her absence, a member of the Executive Committee.
(b) (i) Except where stated otherwise, all proposals shall be decided by a simple majority,
(ii) Any proposals arising from the floor at General Meetings may, at the Chairman’s discretion, be referred to the Executive Committee for their consideration, and
(iii) The Chairman of any meeting shall have the casting vote.
(c) At all General Meetings of the Association 12 members shall form a quorum and at Meetings of the Executive Committee 4 Officers and/or members shall form a quorum.
9. General Meetings
(a) General Meetings will be held from time to time during the British tournament season.
(b) The financial year shall end on the 31st day of January in each year and the Annual General Meeting shall be held on or before the 31st day of the following May, when the Audited Accounts and the Executive Committee’s Annual Report will be presented.
(c) The Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
10. Requisition of Extraordinary General Meeting
(a) The Executive Committee or any 5 members of the Association may at any time lodge a requisition requiring the Secretary to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
(b) The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within 28 days of a requisition fully and clearly describing the objects of the meeting.
11. Property
The property of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee on behalf of the Association, and the property and the funds of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee.
12. The Constitution
(a) The Constitution shall not be altered or repealed except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, and any alteration or repeal shall not be effected unless passed by a majority of two thirds of those full members present at the meeting and entitled to vote.
(b) Any decision or action of the Executive Committee in respect of any matter or thing on which this Constitution is silent shall be final and binding on the membership.