Mothers & Daughters tournament
Entries for the 2012 Mothers & Daughters tournament on Sunday, 9th December are still open.
If you would like to play in the Mothers & Daughters tournament, please contact Lucy Davies (details in the members handbook) for entry information or submit the form below.
Boxes marked with an asterisk are required information. If these boxes are not completed when you click Submit, they will be outlined in red and a message "Please correct the highlighted fields" will be displayed beneath the Submit button. When you have completed the highlighted boxes, click Submit again. When your submission is successful, the form will "disappear" and a message: "Thank you. Your request for information about the Mothers & Daughters entry has been submitted." will be displayed.
If you would like to play in the Mothers & Daughters tournament, please contact Lucy Davies (details in the members handbook) for entry information or submit the form below.
Boxes marked with an asterisk are required information. If these boxes are not completed when you click Submit, they will be outlined in red and a message "Please correct the highlighted fields" will be displayed beneath the Submit button. When you have completed the highlighted boxes, click Submit again. When your submission is successful, the form will "disappear" and a message: "Thank you. Your request for information about the Mothers & Daughters entry has been submitted." will be displayed.