Child Protection
LRTA U30 Match Fee Scheme
Managing a Match for the LRTA
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Clothing Order Form
LRTA Clothing enquiry/order/ideas form
Boxes marked with an asterisk are required information.
If these boxes are not completed when you click Submit, they will be outlined in red and a message "Please correct the highlighted fields" will be displayed beneath the Submit button. When you have completed the highlighted boxes, click Submit again. When your submission is successful, the form will "disappear" and a message: "Thank you. Your LRTA Clothing enquiry form has been submitted." will be displayed. Once your form has been received successfully you will be sent an email confirming all the details you have submitted.
Indicates required field
First name and surname
Email address
There is an event at my club where I would like to sell LRTA merchandise. Please give name of club, name and date of event and type of merchandise required
I am interested in purchasing the following items of clothing. Please state names of items, sizes, colours and quantity as appropriate:
Would the LRTA consider adding the following item(s) to their range of merchandise?